Saturday, May 20, 2017

Sponable, M., Week 4

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A major theme of this week has been the importance of different industries with in the sports, media, and entertainment fields have had to evolve in order to remain relevant. For instance, representatives of Watkins Glen International (WGI) discussed how they use large screens at all of the grandstand areas so fans are able to see the portions of the race from different perspectives and, most importantly, what would be out of their view otherwise. Additionally, the track representatives discussed their strategically placed advertisement billboards around the tracks. Televising the races gives companies the opportunity to expand their advertisement viewers from people at the track to everyone at home as well. The track at WGI is a road course with frequent turns and elevation changes, as a result, their billboards cannot be avoided by photographers or TV cameras. Thus creating high demand for their advertising space. The gentlemen we spoke with at WGI were fantastic and gave us ample insight into the industry and how they appeal to an array of demographics across their yearly events.

The Buffalo Sabers also used technology to keep up in the sports industry. The representatives at Key Bank Center during our tour showed us the interior of their events, including their technological aspects. For instance, we say their control center for the jumbo tron, which controls instant replays, advertisements, and the classic kiss cam. We saw where the digital ribbon around either end of the stadium is programmed. Lastly, we observed the view of the press box. This area allows for a full view of the arena as well as equipped with everything they may need during the game. It is important in any industry to be available on several media platforms, such as an app, mobile website, desktop access,  and television.

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Television, like all other entertainment industry must compete and evolve to stay relevant. To do so, they have expanded to using the internet to stay available to consumers. During our visit to WETM-TV, a local Elmira station, we learned the behind the scenes actions of TV stations. For instance, marketing in television is a dynamic, complex, and ever changing practice that I did not fully comprehend until our visit. While at WETM I learned that the station purchases certain shows and pays for their purchases through advertisement slots. Some companies purchase advertisements with in a show directly rather than from a station. As a result, all stations who purchase the show must play that commercial. As a means to stay relevant, TV is also utilizing the internet. The station we visited has its own website. Through the site they can track watcher's interests and get a larger understanding of their consumers' interests. It also provides another medium for advertising.  Another way that they differentiate themselves in order to stay relevant is that they cover local news rather than national news. Their consumers have an investment monetarily and emotionally in where they live, thus they care about what is going on in that area.

This week's facilitators major theme was how industries, such as books and movies, and making a shift toward self publishing, due to technology providing access to a digital market. As one of this weeks facilitators, I discussed how amazon has changed the game in terms of publishing and distribution of books, both hard over and electronic copies. Additionally, I talked about the trend of e-books leveling out. This could be due to book lovers still demanding physical copies and the experience of sitting down with a book, rather than a tablet, can provide.

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McNabb, J., Week 5 Hey all! welcome back to my blog for my final post of the term! This week we took a day trip to New York City. While, t...