Saturday, May 20, 2017

Garder, W., Week 4

This fourth week of class was very enjoyable. As we are approaching the final week, it feels like this term has been flying by. The facilitators this week all gave great presentations and brought about great class discussions about the reading material. The trips we have taken have been wonderful and informative. Each experience has been unique and have tied in with our readings quite well.

Last Friday, we visited Watkins Glen International for an unforgettable experience. After touring the facilities and meeting with Chris Banker, Jose Cervantes, and VP Jon Beckman to learn about the history of the location and the marketing strategies involved with their events, we got to take a ride on the racetrack in our bus. It was awesome to see behind the scenes of a racetrack, especially from a marketing standpoint. They discussed the various target markets for the variety of races and events held there and how they have changed over the years to adapt to the changing landscape of the industry.

This Wednesday, we walked over to WETM to tour the NBC-affiliated television studio and offices. I really enjoyed this trip because of my interests in film and broadcasting. It was really cool to see how technology has changed the way things are done in this industry from remote-controlled cameras, fiber-optic broadcasting, and the ability for WETM to utilize both their website and Facebook page to keep engaged with viewers in the local market. Getting to see how television ads are sold as well as seeing a live broadcast of the news in person was a truly great experience that I will not soon forget.

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McNabb, J., Week 5 Hey all! welcome back to my blog for my final post of the term! This week we took a day trip to New York City. While, t...