Saturday, May 20, 2017

Cocca, S., Week 4

This week we visited WETM-TV, the local NBC station located in downtown Elmira. Here we met with several members of the back office as well as the TV anchors. We had the opportunity to see the various production parts and got to see a real media plan. The media plan was interesting because it showed the reach of their advertisements, the demographics, expected return, etc. One of the coolest things we got to do was be in the newsroom when they were broadcasting the news at noon. It is a lot quieter than you realize and almost everything is automated behind the scenes.

This week we also spent a lot of time in class. The class facilitators discussed sponsorship for athletes and celebrity endorsements, the influence of new technology and platforms on the delivery of content and advertising, and how publishers and producers are being replaced by self publishers/producers. It was particularly interesting to hear that book publishing is starting to see an up-turn because people have come to realize they like the feel and readability of a physical book; which is directly contradicting most critics who say that digital is the future of literature (Marisa Sponable).

 We had the opportunity last week to visit two awesome companies as  well, Tipping Point Communications and Pegula  Sports and Entertainment (owners of the Buffalo  Bills and the Buffalo Sabre). Here we got to speak  to their marketing managements and see a behind  the scenes look of how marketing works in these  two organizations. Tipping Point brought us in and  gave us the background of the company and how it  was founded and later gave us a demonstration of  how they use Hubspot to manage their content  marketing. Pegula Entertainment gave us a tour of  Key Bank Stadium and presented a lesson to us on  how they advertise the Sabres and how they  determine the strategies to employ.

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McNabb, J., Week 5 Hey all! welcome back to my blog for my final post of the term! This week we took a day trip to New York City. While, t...