Monday, May 15, 2017

McNabb, J., Week 2

Hello, everyone Welcome back to my blog for my week 2 entry.

This week we visited the New York Wine and Culinary Center, Community Broadcasters and the Clemens Center Theater!

At the Wine and culinary center, we observed the facility, and we were given a delicious lunch! During that meal, we were given a presentation on the business opportunities that have risen through the great resources of New York for tourism through the use of wine and culinary arts.

Community broadcasters talked to us about the business that goes on behind the radio, with advertisement and marketing to a specific audience

The Clemens Center Theater gave us a tour and spoke to us about all the responsibilities the Clemens Center takes on to make shows possible for theater lovers in the surrounding area. We were also given some of the history that the people of Elmira have protected over the years by preserving the Clemens center

Stay tuned for next week's post!

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McNabb, J., Week 5 Hey all! welcome back to my blog for my final post of the term! This week we took a day trip to New York City. While, t...