Saturday, May 13, 2017

Isaacs, M., Week 3

Welcome back for week 3!

To start off my week of more experiences, we went to Community Broadcasters which is a local radio station. With the always changing technology, along with aux cords and music apps, many would think that radio is failing, but that is not the case. Radio has learned to adjust to such challenges. They have even gone to the platform of social media to help their companies. When we visited Community broadcasters, they were live on Facebook that morning. The reason they have been able to make such changes is because they have studied their target markets. For each of their stations they pick can individual that represents the demographics of that radio station to learn what it is they want and need, and what attracts them. By studying such an individual they can target their specific market as a whole, keeping viewers interested. Each station is also specifically geared to that target market in different areas such as contests or the prizes they give away. The must know how to meet and connect to their market to continue to thrive.

Next, we went to visit the Clemens Center where we met with their marketing director. Here we learned a lot as to how they promote shows and get individuals to come out to the center. To begin with, the have been in the process of learning to attract a younger crowd since they have a primarily older crowd. One way the draw people out is through the series of Broadway shows. For these shows they promote being a member which will allow them first pick on seating in the bundle package, as well as other benefits. By being a member they hope this will help individuals to continue to come out in the future. They also must realize what ticket prices are appropriate for the audience they are attempting to draw in and attract when targeting each market. The center also promotes different areas of the art to continue to bring in a different crowd. They offered a class for dance students to come in a learn a "master dance" and then show it off to the other class. They are also looking to start a program for families and individuals who have special needs which I find extremely interesting. They have learned how to target the market and what shows to promote to which individuals through research which has kept this business going.

Thank you! Stay tuned!

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