Thursday, May 18, 2017

Huntley, M., Week 4

Hello Everyone, Welcome Back!

This week we went on an awesome trip to the news station WETM 18. I never realized how much work actually goes in to producing an episode of the news before we took this field trip!

Behind the scenes of WETM 18, Marci Daniels works as the VP/General Manager of the station. She focuses on keeping all of the station's clients happy, while also attempting to make more connections for the station. Marci focused on the importance of a company's comparative advantage in the business world. She told us to always consider our comparative advantage to our competitor's, especially when attempting to get a job, or make a business deal.

One of the coolest parts of visiting WETM 18 was going into the studio, and getting to watch the news be filmed in person! The news anchors sit calmly in their studio, while they are reading from scripts that they have not memorized, on live camera! One thing that I had not previously realized is that all of the news sets are in the same room. We got to watch the news anchor Samantha as she made her way from the news desk to the weather green-screen, all while on live news!

Up in the control room, the technician keeps up with the news anchors' paces, hitting all of his queues right when they are needed. The technician must have all of the queues organized and ready to go when they are needed. He also must be prepared in the event of a computer failure or mistake, for he needs to get the graphics onto the screen at the right time.

Overall visiting the news station was a great educational experience! I loved getting to see the behind the scenes marketing that is involved in making news and getting it produced!

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