Saturday, May 20, 2017

Isaacs, M., Week 4

Week 4 was full of excitement and plenty of trips!

To begin with we headed out to Rochester, New York to go to Tipping Point Communications. This is a company that does the marketing and media buying for other businesses. This company seemed like a company that any individual would be lucky to work for. The reason I believe this is because when sharing their core values, they stressed the term likability. This is something that is often forgot about in the work place, so the fact that they build themselves on the idea respecting not only clients, but coworkers as well is amazing. At Tipping Point Communications, we also learned how they built lead generation through an online company to track their clients potential costumers activities, something I had not really had the chance to see in action prior.

In that same trip we took a stop in Buffalo, New York at KeyBank arena to meet with Pegula Sports and Entertainment. KeyBank Arena is well known for being the arena where the Buffalo Sabres play and we got to tour it. While touring could see how much such places really on sponsors and marketing. From the Lexus VIP lounge to the Mercedes suite to the major sponsors around the jumbo scene, this is a major part in the business. We then met with two individuals from Pegula Sports and Entertainment to see what goes into these marketing aspects. They explained how for each sports team they market for there is a different fan group they must appeal to. Each year their method of how they reach them changes. One thing I found extremely interesting was for the Sabres they could not reach their female fans through the typical "women want to be taught sports" for they are already so knowledge that they reached out to them by making an event night out of it, even including alumni.

Our next stop later in the week was to Watkins Glen International. On this trip we saw the media and writers room where they are constantly working in to post on event weekends and I was shocked to see how big they are! This showed me how much media comes to such events on big weekends. After seeing the Gatorade victory lane, we learned a little bit more about the company. One major idea that stuck out to me was that they have no set target market. For each event the market changes so they much change how they go about reaching such individuals. An interesting change that Watkins Glen International is trying to implement is changing their target market for Nascar. Instead of wanting to continue to reach older individuals, they are attempting to reach out to millennials. They are doing so by implementing a new bundle package to try to get them interested.

The following week got to take a trip to WETM-TV. Here we learned that despite what many people think, television is still very relevant and popular. One of the goals of companies like this is to sell more advertisements than what they are paying to air the shows. After seeing a practice presentation for a company to invest into advertising through WETM, I understood the purpose of doing so and how successful it can be. They pitch their sales to different companies to show how they can reach their target market through specified plans. My favorite part of this experience was we got to see live news in action. It was interesting to not only see the anchors filming, but also the behind the scenes. I was amazed to see how calm and collected they were for if it was me live I would have been stressed!

Make sure to come back next week for my last blog post!

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McNabb, J., Week 5 Hey all! welcome back to my blog for my final post of the term! This week we took a day trip to New York City. While, t...