Saturday, May 13, 2017

Collins, A., Week 2

Welcome back!

We went on 3 trips this week; New York Wine and Culinary Center, Community Broadcasters, and the Clemen's Center. Each of these places offered different types of entertainment and were equally interesting in services they offer and the networks they have.

On Tuesday we travelled to Canandigua, New York to learn about the food and wine industry. This not-for-profit center focuses on cooking education and spreading the word about all of the wonderful farms and wineries in the state. We toured the facility which is located on beautiful Seneca Lake. They have a full service bistro and bar upstairs that has a view of the lake as well as state of the art kitchens for their classes. They served us a wonderful meal with everything on the plate having been grown locally.

On Wednesday, we travelled 5 minutes down the road to Community Broadcasters to tour their station and here about the trends in the radio industry. We learned that they have very strict demographics to whom they tailor their stations. They also are live streaming to phones as well as computers as more people are listening to the radio at work or on the go rather than in a car. They also offer contests and other incentives to retain listeners.

On Friday, we went down the street to the Clemen's Center to learn about the theater industry. It was interesting to learn about the demographics of the Elmira area as someone who is not local. It was also interesting to hear about the contracts they have with the performers who come the center. Touring the facility and learning about the history of the building were my favorite parts because as a former dancer I used to perform on stages very similar to it.

Until Next Week My Friends! Cheers!

PC: Ainsley Collins

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