Saturday, May 13, 2017

Cocca, S., Week 3
We started this week off with a trip to Community Broadcasters. Now many people assume that radio is dead because the television and the internet are foremost in peoples mind when it comes to modern media, but we learned that this is not the case. Radio has the greatest reach of all media, reaching over 90% of consumers. Radio is also has the greatest observable return in regards to marketing investment. This is according to Smitty, the manager of the Elmira and Ogdensberg stations. We also had the opportunity to witness a press conference held at historic Dunn Field, the home of the AA baseball team the Pioneers. We got to observe how public relations can attain free publicity through the media.
In class we were also excited to hear from both Keith Cummings and Prof. Hurdle, both of whom came in and discussed entertainment. Keith spoke to us about his career thus far at First Arena and provided us with some excellent insight into job hunting and being true to ones self. We also attended the Clemens Center but I missed this trip because I was at a conference at the United Nations hosted by the PR of Malawi


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McNabb, J., Week 5 Hey all! welcome back to my blog for my final post of the term! This week we took a day trip to New York City. While, t...