Saturday, May 20, 2017

Hill, S., Week 4

Hey everyone,

Welcome back to week 4. This week we traveled not far from campus to WETM. Here, we received a tour of the building, where we saw the tech room and where the actual news is filmed. We then received a presentation from Marcy and Lisa. Marcy showed us power points she presents to clients such as Watkins Glen International and Finger Lakes Family Dental. On these power points it described the kind of advertising the client will receive, the price and how often the advertisement will appear. She also talks about her company and the advantages of WETM over their. competitors. Lisa discussed about advertisements. Traditional advertisements are on the decline while advertising on media is increasing immensely. She discussed how pop up ads on websites have changed. Now, they respond to what you search online. Such as, if you are look up North Face clothing, now on pop up ads all appear items from North Face to try and get you back to their site to purchase their items. After our presentations we were able to watch the News live while it was being filmed. I was in the control room for the first 15 minutes and in the room where they actually filmed for the second 15 minutes. This was super cool experience and seeing what goes on behind the camera changed how I will watch the news. This kind of environment seems like a cool one because its not just a office job but things are always changing. Also, you get to experience the news first hand and what happens in the community.

Be sure to come back next week to see how our trip to NYC went. 

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McNabb, J., Week 5 Hey all! welcome back to my blog for my final post of the term! This week we took a day trip to New York City. While, t...